Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Block

And so another Block of the Month year comes to an end for me. Yesterday I unveiled the finished quilt to the Monday groups. It was very exciting to show how all the blocks will come together to create the finished quilt!

The quilt, as I designed it, required 13 blocks, so this month you get to make two blocks--one for December and one "bonus" block. The December block pattern tells you just what fabrics to use and where to use them, but the bonus block allows you to use your leftover strips however you wish!

For December, I forgot to take a photo before the quilt was finished, so here you get a glimpse of the beautiful quilting by Deb Kerr

For the bonus block, choose your remaining strips and cut thirty-six 2 1/2" squares. Arrange them as you desire. You can see that I chose a gradated approach for my block.

I will post the finished quilt tomorrow or later today (as soon as I can get a good photo taken). This was a very fun quilt to design and make and I am so glad that I am able to share it with you!